A green packaging story

Lontar Boxes for coffee

Dear Coffee lovers,

I don’t know about you, but I really care about the life cycle of the plastics I use … because they are everywhere! And especially in our natural environments and our oceans!

Having lived in Indonesia for several years, I have witnessed firsthand the damage they cause to our environment. I remember swimming in the middle of plastic straw, bags and sachets of all kinds … I also remember how the Balinese fight every week against the accumulation of waste in their irrigation and pipe system, withdrawing by hand the mountains of plastics causing flooding outside their doors.

When creating Masama, I promised myself not to participate in this ecological disaster. So I spent months researching the materials that will best protect your adopted coffee beans but that can also be either reused, recycled or composted in your gardens!
I did the best I could, and I am proud to offer our coffees and handicrafts in boxes hand-woven by the Balinese of Muntigunung!
Muntigunung is an organization working specifically with the communities of East Bali (more info just here). This part of the Island is extremely dried and the poorest region of Bali. They develop job opportunities by proposing jobs in food, handicrafts and trekking enterprises! They are reaching over 6000 people in 36 hamlets of the region!

Each box contains a bag of compostable coffee, in your own compost! It is neither a plastic made from starch, nor the PLA material which is only 90% compostable in industrial composting sites. Masama sachet is made from paper and two layers of cellulose!

Enjoy your coffee, it is good for the Planet and the People!

Kind regards from Indonesia, 


Our 250 grams boxes, handwoven by balinese in the East of the Island. 

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