Dear coffee lovers,
Our brand is built to consciously integrate the elements that participate in our coffee production. Our logo itself illustrates the soil, the mountain, the Sun and the Moon that all participate in the production of an amazing coffee. One very important element is also Water!
Our coffee trees grow in Bali, a beautiful Indonesian island, so beautiful that it attracts more than 6 million tourists a year…a number that is increasing year after year! The Balinese tourism industry is growing without an environmental plan…And it causes a very high pressure on the island’s water resources.
Our mission is to have the minimum negative impacts on the environment of our coffee forests and the livelihood of our farmers. So, when it came to picking the post-harvest process for our coffee beans, we went straight toward the natural way, that is also called the dry process!
After harvesting the most mature cherries, meaning the fully red ones, our partners will bring them to the drying area and lay them on a wooden tray to start to sun dry.
The sorting is done manually, looking for coffee cherries that could still be a bit green, or damaged by insects.
Every day, the coffee beans will be agitated by the hands of the farmers, making sure the drying is even. The cherries’ pulp starts to dry and take a deep brown, almost purple colour.
After several weeks to usually a month, reaching 10-11% moisture content, the dried cherries are finally ready to be hulled by a machine: the outer skin is taken away from the coffee beans itself (one fruit consists of 2 coffee beans!)
Did I mention the use of water? No! And that is what we like! Those coffee beans were exposed to a very long dry fermentation process, that will give sweetness and intense fruity aroma and notes to your coffee!
Save water, drink Masama’s coffee!
With Love from Indonesia,
dreamer, and founder of Masama.
For more information about Bali’s water resources state, please check this great article: https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2017/04/13/balis-water-question.html
After hulling, the dried coffee cherry skin can be used to make tea and powder!