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A home roasting experience

Step-by-step Instructions

What do you need?

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Your manual roaster, created by Tanteri x Masama

A plate or bowl

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A stopwatch!

20-30 grams of green coffee beans

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A stove

Be aware! Make sure you enjoy your roasting experience in an aerated environment. The roasting can create smokes and ashes. Also remember, our home roaster are made to educate and experiment, it has not been created to replace a professional roasting machine.

About the timing ...

The experience should take a total of 8 to 15 minutes, from the time you add the beans until you achieve the desired roast intensity.

Our manual roaster is small and convenient, so it has a limitation on the number of beans you can roast. We recommend using 20 to 30 grams of coffee per roast!

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Warm-up exercise!

Turn on the heat and place it on low to medium. You can start to place your roaster on top of the fire, being careful not to directly touch the flames, nor to let it rest completely on the stove.

Be patient and let it gently warm up for 2 minutes!

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The beans are taking the plunge!

Pour the green coffee beans into the central hole and start gently and circularly shaking your roaster!

Shake it enough and constantly to encourage even roasting!

You are in the roasting phase called preparation or drying: you create pressure in the appliance and force the humidity out of the coffee bean. The coffee bean also captures the energy necessary for the chemical reactions that follow!

The temperature rises in the roaster, up to the Turning Point.

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Welcome to Maillard!

You then enter the world of Maillard. Here, start to focus on the smells that escape your beans, notice the color of the coffee.

This Maillard reaction reduces the sugar in your grains! You should be able to smell the aromas of fresh bread or even hay!

Increase the fire slowly, every 2 minutes approximatively.

Your beans caramelize and change color. A lot of CO2 escapes from your coffee!

Note: the outer skins of the coffee beans are burning here. If you are close to a window, you can quickly blow in the handle to evacuate the skins that could give a smokey taste to your coffee afterward.

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The temperature is now rising both in the roaster and in your beans!

Until … CRACK!

Reduce the fire now!

The heat, seeping inside your coffee, releases the aromatic compounds, hundreds of substances are created!

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It's getting intense!

From the crack, you have between 1 and 3 minutes for your beans to develop!

Now is the time to decide on the intensity of your roasting, the longer the beans stay in your roaster, the darker the color of your coffee. The longer they stay in the device, the more bitter they will taste, with reduced caffeine levels.

Time to take a rest.

Take out the coffee beans through the handle of the roaster, onto a heat-resistant surface such as a plate, a bowl, or ideally a strainer.

Shake them gently for a few minutes and wait 10 minutes before sliding them into a glass jar or an airtight box.

The coffee beans enter a degassing phase, they are not yet sufficiently stable. 

However, it is the perfect time to bite into one of the freshly roasted beans!

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We suggest you store them for 48 hours, opening their container every day to let the CO2 escape. Ideally, you should keep them stored up to 5 days before your first brew!

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home roasting icons
home roasting icons
Our instruction illustrations were created by Flora Marcella, a talented Indonesian artist. Flora is a singer/writer/visual artist originally from Jakarta Indonesia. Currently, she lives in Denpasar, Bali where we met for a watercolor class. Flora has a soft soul and is a creative woman that deserves your attention! Click on the picture below to know more about her.

Watch our video to get more guidance!